
Cambridge Experience Day for Teachers on 15 March 2024

Does your school prepare students for Cambridge English exams and are you interested in becoming an official Cambridge English Preparation Centre? Join our Cambridge Experience Day in Vienna on Friday, 15 March 2024 and learn more about the benefits of Cambridge Exams and our Preparation Centre scheme.

Cambridge Experience Days Web banner

Furthermore, you will get the chance to mingle with other teachers and join the following presentation and workshop:

Presentation: What does it mean to prepare your students for a Cambridge English Qualification? by Gabriele Bajalan

Workshop: What´s in it for me when I study English? by Olha Madylus

Please find the programme as well as the registration link here: https://pages.cambridgeenglish.org/hubfs/EMEA%20%E2%80%93%20DACH/CambridgeExperienceDaysAustria-Invitation.pdf

We are looking forward to welcoming you at The Cambridge Institute Vienna!

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